Day: June 6, 2024

Zamfara Governor Seeks FG Support for Abandoned University Projects

His Excellency Governor Lawal , Governor of Zamfara state

The Zamfara State Government has reached out to the federal government, through the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), to seek assistance in completing several abandoned projects at the State University.

Governor Dauda Lawal emphasized the importance of these projects in expanding access to university education in the state during a visit to the TETFund Executive Secretary, Arc Sonny Echono in Abuja on Thursday.

Governor Lawal acknowledged the financial challenges facing Zamfara State and highlighted the state of emergency declared in the education sector, stressing the need for extensive funding support. Stating, “Remember, sometimes in November, we declared emergency in education and that is why I’m here to continue to follow up wherever we can get help, so that things will be better in Zamfara.”

He expressed gratitude to TETFund while also appealing for additional intervention to improve the educational landscape in Zamfara.

In response to the security challenges plaguing the state, Governor Lawal assured that the government is actively addressing the issue.

Meanwhile, Sonny Echono reassured the Governor of TETFund’s commitment to supporting education in Zamfara despite the security concerns.

Echono underscored TETFund’s dedication to ensuring quality education access for students nationwide.

He acknowledged the Governor’s specific requests to complete ongoing projects at state institutions, citing funding challenges as a hindrance to their progress.

The TETFund boss explained that Governor Lawal proposed completing existing projects rather than initiating new ones to maximize benefits for the state.

He noted the complexities involved in taking over abandoned projects initiated by previous administrations, emphasizing the need to differentiate between TETFund projects and state-led initiatives.

While acknowledging the challenges, Echono affirmed TETFund’s willingness to collaborate with Zamfara State to address the educational infrastructure needs and enhance learning opportunities for students in the region.

Gom Mirian-Report

Renowned Business Tycoon Sir Chukwuma Dismisses Detention Rumors

Sir Paul Chukwuma

Renowned business tycoon and philanthropist, Sir Paul Chukwuma, has dismissed rumors circulating on social media and news outlets alleging his detention by the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission, (ICPC).

His media team clarified that Sir Chukwuma is actively working in his office and is not in any form of detention.

In a statement to Plateau news, on Thursday, his Media Assistant, Obi Chukwuemeka, emphasized Sir Chukwuma’s commitment to work and denied the detention claims.

Chukwuemeka highlighted the company’s dedication to fulfilling contractual obligations and maintaining transparency.

“Fides et Ratio has consistently adhered to the principles of accountability and transparency,” Chukwuemeka affirmed, addressing the allegations.

The ICPC also confirmed that their requests for documentation from companies are standard procedures to ensure regulatory compliance.

A spokesperson for the ICPC explained, “We request necessary documents to ensure companies meet regulatory provisions.”

Fides et Ratio expressed its commitment to cooperating with the ICPC to showcase compliance with regulations.

Chukwuemeka reiterated, “Our company was built on principles of transparency and respect for the law.”

The public is urged to disregard misleading reports about Sir Paul Chukwuma’s alleged detention, as they only serve to tarnish his reputation as an accomplished businessman and philanthropist.

Gom Mirian – Report