SGCI Awards $250,000 Grant to Nigerian Research Teams

SGCIAfrica on X ( image credit: Internet)

The Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) has recently granted $250,000 to four innovative research teams in Nigeria.

This grant stems from the successful implementation of the Research for Impact Initiative (R41) through Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), with Innov8 Technology Hub as the technical partner.

Speaking on Monday in Abuja, the director of research and development at TETFund, Dr. Saliba Girei Bakare,  emphasised the transformative potential of this collaboration, stating, “The impact of this collaboration is poised to be transformative.”

The grant aims to support Nigerian research teams working on projects with the capacity to drive significant change.

Dr. Bakare highlighted initiatives such as advancements in garri processing and renewable energy, among others.

He stressed the importance of bridging the gap between research and practical application, with a focus on commercialization.

“The essence is to help them transform their research findings into commercializable goods and services in this country,” Dr. Bakare explained.

A key aspect of the grant is assisting research teams in developing their innovations into market-ready prototypes.

Dr. Bakare noted, “Four teams are going to use this money to develop their research into prototypes and pitch them with industries so that there will be take-off of the product coming out from the research.”.

Gom Mirian – Report