
Plateau Gov signs two electricity laws to boost state development

The Executive Governor of Plateau State, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has signed into law two crucial electricity bills aimed at ensuring a robust and reliable power supply for the state’s economic prosperity and overall advancement.

The laws, Plateau State Energy Corporation and Plateau State Electricity Market, are designed to facilitate the generation of adequate electricity, including renewable energy sources, to meet the needs of the public and to enable surplus sales to neighboring states.

Governor Mutfwang, who signed the laws on Tuesday at the New Government House in Little Rayfield, Jos, emphasized the vast potential of each Local Government Area within the state to contribute significantly to electricity generation and distribution.

“This initiative marks a pivotal milestone in our developmental journey, underscoring the indispensable role of electricity. It’s second only to water in its importance, as without it, functioning becomes severely constrained,” stated Governor Mutfwang.

He reiterated that this initiative signifies the outset of a journey towards substantial development and affirmed Plateau State’s readiness for substantial growth and progress. Governor Mutfwang extended an invitation to both local and international investors, in view of the favorable climate and hospitable environment for investment within the state.

“My vision is for Plateau to become a major electricity provider. With your cooperation and support, this dream is entirely feasible,” he said . He also expressed gratitude to the Plateau State House of Assembly for promptly passing the bills and solicited continued collaboration for the state’s advancement.

The Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Plateau State, Barr. Philimon Daffi, hailed the laws as essential components of the current administration’s development agenda.

He emphasized the pivotal role of electricity in industrial growth, affirming that under Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang’s leadership, the Plateau State Government has taken deliberate measures to enhance electricity infrastructure, thereby delivering tangible benefits of democracy to the populace.

Bassa Community Union condemns attack on Katakpa village


  1. WE, the Bassa Community of Nasarawa State have barely recovered from the shock of the attack on OKUDU Village when we received news of the attack on KATAPKA VIllage on the 1st of February 2024. The unfortunate event came with the loss of three (3) lives and wanton destruction of property.
  2. WE want to send our deep condolences to the families and relatives of the victims and ask God to give them the fortitude to bear their loss. We are deeply pained by their loss and we pray that God would comfort them.
  3. WE, the Bassa Community of Nasarawa State condemn the attack as lawless, godless and a calculated attempt to frustrate and hinder the Peaceful Return and Resettlement of the Displaced Bassa Community.
  4. The attacks are part of a satanic project to make PEACEFUL DIALOGUE between the Bassa and Egbira communities impossible.
  5. WE want to ask the following pertinent questions. Why are these attacks coming now after we have had over four years of relative peace in Toto Local Government Area? Why are these attacks coming when our Royal Fathers are meeting to resolve all the outstanding disputes? Who are those behind these attacks? What are their motives? These are questions begging for answers.
  6. WE want to assure the whole world that the ENTIRE Bassa Community of Nasarawa State and Toto LGA in particular have chosen the PEACE OPTION.
  7. WE also want to send our deep sympathies to the Royal Fathers, the Executive Chairman of Toto Local Government Area and the Elders and Youth of the Katakpa Community. WE urge them NOT TO BE DISCOURAGED by this unfortunate setback. WE are firmly resolved to live in peace with them. WE are NOT lying. WE are NOT being deceitful. WE are sincere. It is natural to want to seek revenge, but in this case, seeking revenge will only create the atmosphere of chaos that the wicked brains behind the whole crisis want.
  8. WE enjoin our neighbors to please help us to actualize the Peace Process and Initiatives being worked out by the Royal Fathers under the leadership of His Excellency Engr. A. A Sule. Seeking revenge now will only make the enemies of the Peace Process to win.
  9. We want to call on His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Nasarawa State, Engr. AA Sule, as the Chief Security Officer of the state, to use his good offices to fish out the perpetrators of these criminal attacks so that peace can return to Toto Local Government Area.
  10. Ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for listening.
    Chairman, Nasarawa State Bassa Cultural and Development Union (BCDU)

Emmanuel M. Gbaji

Sacked Plateau PDP Lawmakers Vow to Resume Duties, Warn APC to Stay Away

Jos, Plateau State – Sixteen members of the Plateau State House of Assembly elected under the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) who were previously sacked by the Court of Appeal have announced their intention to resume legislative duties on Tuesday, January 23rd. Their bold move comes despite the ongoing legal conflict surrounding their status.

The lawmakers, led by spokesperson Ishaku Maren, claim legitimacy based on the recent Supreme Court judgment reinstating Governor Caleb Mutfwang, arguing that it invalidates the earlier ruling against them. Maren stated, “The Supreme Court had revalidated our ejection, which was wrongly taken away from us by the Appellate court.”

With newfound confidence, the 16 PDP members emphasize their readiness to fulfill their responsibilities. Maren declared, “We are law abiding citizens, and we are ready to resume work to represent the people that duly elected us.” They warned their All Progressives Congress (APC) counterparts not to attempt entry into the House of Assembly, stating, “You might be aware that while we were on recess, there were two Judgments that were passed regarding the status of state House of Assembly and Plateau State as a whole.” They highlighted the Supreme Court’s decision nullifying the Court of Appeal’s judgment as the basis for their claim.

However, the situation remains complex. The APC members, who were originally awarded the seats after the Court of Appeal’s ruling, are also expected to attend the assembly on Tuesday. This potential clash raises concerns about a possible disruption of legislative proceedings.

Meanwhile, the PDP legislators advise Governor Mutfwang to remain neutral in the dispute, declaring, “We are going to resist all pressure.” Maren further warned the APC members, “The Court of Appeal members are deceiving themselves that they are coming to the house tomorrow to resume work but I’m confident to tell you that we are a product of democracy.”

With political tensions rising and the legal battle still ongoing, only time will tell how this situation will unfold and who will ultimately control the Plateau State House of Assembly. One thing is certain: Tuesday promises to be a day of high drama and political maneuvering in Jos.

All Political Parties Eligible To Participate in the Plateau North Re-run – INEC 

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced that all registered political parties are eligible to participate in the forthcoming rerun elections in Plateau Northern Senatorial Zone of Plateau State. The commission has also revealed plans to recruit and deploy over 11,000 ad-hoc personnel for the exercise.

The Resident Electoral Commissioner in the state, Dr. Oliver Agundu, made this disclosure while briefing journalists in Jos, the state capital, regarding the upcoming rerun election in Plateau Northern Senatorial zone.

Dr. Agundu emphasized the purpose of the meeting as being to officially inform the public about the Court-Ordered Rerun Senatorial Election in Plateau North, as well as the Federal House of Representative Election in Jos North/Bassa Federal Constituency. He highlighted the need for active participation and orderly conduct to ensure a peaceful election on the 3rd of February, 2024.

He clarified that the rerun election was not due to any failure on the part of INEC but was strictly based on a party in the contest failing to obey a court order and lacking structure at the time of the initial election. Dr. Agundu also mentioned the position of the highest court in the country regarding the matter.

The election will be conducted in six local government areas of Plateau North, namely Barkin Ladi, Bassa, Jos East, Jos North, Jos South, and Riyom, which together have 73 Registration Areas (RAs) and 2,266 Polling Units (PUs), with a total of 1,234,761 registered voters. Out of these, 1,167,001 have collected their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs).

Additionally, the Jos North/Bassa Federal Constituency within the same Plateau North Senatorial District consists of two local government areas of Jos North and Bassa with 30 Registration Areas (RAs) and 1,209 Polling Units (PUs), totaling 647,409 registered voters with a PVC collection of 614,956.

Dr. Agundu also mentioned the expectation to recruit and deploy over 11,000 ad-hoc personnel, exclusive of the security personnel expected to be deployed.

He urged members of the media to appreciate the magnitude of the work at hand and to work collectively to ensure fair reportage of the activities and timely information of the public’s responsibilities in ensuring a transparent, fair, and inclusive election.

Bassa Community of Toto LGA condemns the attack of Okudu village in Umaisha


  1. WE, the Bassa Community of Toto Local Government Area have received with deep shock, news of the attack on peaceful villagers of OKUDU in Umaisha District of Toto Local Government Area.
  2. The event demonstrates a callous disregard for the sanctity of human life and a godless disdain for peaceful co-existence. We condemn the attack as the mindless work of criminals and miscreants masquerading as freedom fighters or opinion leaders.
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen the social media is awash with reports of a purported “Clash Between Gbagyi and Bassa Over Land at OKUDU. This report is both misleading and mischievous. We want to make it abundantly clear that THERE IS NO CLASH between Gbagyi and Bassa over any matter whatsoever.
    The Gbagyis are the closest cultural relatives of the Bassa and we have no history or record of conflict between us. What happened at OKUDU was the work of criminals in which both Gbagyi and Bassa were victims.
    The story of a “Gbagyi-Bassa Clash” is totally false please.
  4. Toto Local Government has been embroiled in crisis since 1986 with violent clashes of various categories rattling the peace and tranquility of the largely agrarian community. After over seven (7) circles of crisis lasting thirty-eight (38) years, with each circle involving a colossal loss of lives, destruction of property and wholesale displacement of persons, the Government of Nasarawa State in 2019, created a legal vehicle that would allow the warring communities to peacefully resolve their disputes. Discussions have commenced and age-old disputes are being examined and re-examined in an atmosphere of brotherly dialogue.
  5. Then out of the blue, the grapevine was abuzz with news of faceless militants hiding in our bushes and forests. While the security agencies were monitoring the situation, we were awakened by the sound of murderous gunfire at OKUDU. This is undoubtedly the handiwork of the well known and well advertised opponents of the ongoing Peace Talks.
  6. We want to tell the whole world that the Bassa People of Toto Local Government condemn the activity of these criminals.
  7. We also want to reassure all our neighbours that we remain committed to the peaceful return of the displaced Bassa Community. We are also committed to achieving sustainable solutions to all the outstanding disputes based on brotherly dialogue and mutual respect.
  8. We call on His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Nasarawa State, Engr. A.A. Sule to continue to provide the necessary ambience for the ongoing peace talks. WE MUST NOT BE DISTRACTED. We reiterate our numerous calls for the speedy Resettlement of Displaced Persons. The current displacement of the Bassa Community has created large swaths of uninhabited and ungoverned spaces. This has allowed criminals, bandits, kidnappers and murderous groups to hide in our now empty forests and villages. The Resettlement of the Bassa Community will deny these criminals the kind of space that allowed them to perpetrate the beastly murders that took place at OKUDU.
  9. May the souls of the victims rest in peace! Amen!
    Long live Toto Local Government Area!
    Long live His Excellency the Executive Governor of Nasarawa State!
    Long live the Great Bassa People of Nasarawa State!
    Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Emmanuel M. Gbaji,

Bassa Cultural & Development Union (BCDU)
Nasarawa State.

President Tinubu appoints Chalya Shagaya as the Director-General, National Institute of Archeology

Chalya Shagaya

President Bola Tinubu has approved the appointment of Ms Chalya Shagaya as the Director-General, National Institute of Archeology and Museums Studies in Jos Plateau State.

Ms Shagaya was appointed alongside 10 other new Chief Executive Officers for agencies under the Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, and Creative Economy.

The list of the appointees are as follows:

(1) Tola Akerele — Director-General, National Theatre

(2) Dr. Shaibu Husseini — Director-General, National Films and Censors Board

(3) Mr. Obi Asika — Director-General, National Council for Arts and Culture

(4) Aisha Adamu Augie — Director-General, Centre for Black and African Arts and Culture

(5) Ekpolador-Ebi Koinyan — Chief Conservator, National War Museum

(6) Ahmed Sodangi — Director-General, National Gallery of Art

(7) Chaliya Shagaya — Director-General, National Institute of Archeology and Museums Studies

(😎 Hajiya Khaltume Bulama Gana — Artistic Director, National Troupe of Nigeria

(9) Otunba Biodun Ajiboye — Director-General, National Institute for Cultural Orientation

(10) Ali Nuhu — Managing-Director, Nigerian Film Corporation

(11) Ramatu Abonbo Mohammed — Director-General, National Commission for Museums and Monuments

The President mandates the appointees to discharge their duties in accordance with the highest standards of professionalism, diligence, and patriotism with a view to making the creative sector more vibrant and robust.

Plateau State Community and Social Development Agency Buzzes with PL-CARES Activities

Jos, Plateau State: The Plateau State Community and Social Development Agency (PLCSDA) has been a hive of activity in the past week, with the agency scaling up its implementation of the Plateau COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (PL-CARES) program under the NG-CARES initiative.

Microprojects Get Funding: General Manager Dauda Dinju, along with management and staff, presented checks to benefiting communities for the execution of their microprojects under Disbursement Link Indicator 1.4 (DLI 1.4): Basic Services. These projects aim to provide essential amenities and improve the lives of residents in these communities.

Cash Relief for Vulnerable Populations: The PLCSDA Board room was also bustling with beneficiaries accessing their palliative cash through Automated Teller Machines (ATM) cards. This disbursement covered two key areas: State Social Transfer under DLI 1.1 and Labour Intensive Public Workfares under DLI 1.2. These programs provide much-needed financial assistance to vulnerable populations affected by the pandemic.

Committed to Community Development: The agency’s dedication to community development and economic recovery was evident in the various activities that took place. PLCSDA is playing a crucial role in supporting communities, empowering them to take charge of their development, and building resilience in the face of challenges.

Looking Ahead: With the continued implementation of PL-CARES and other initiatives, the Plateau State Community and Social Development Agency is committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of Plateau residents. The agency’s focus on community-driven development and social safety nets is sure to contribute to a brighter future for the state.

Key Points:

  • PLCSDA actively implementing PL-CARES program under NG-CARES.
  • Microprojects funded for essential amenities in communities.
  • Vulnerable populations receive cash relief through ATM cards.
  • Agency committed to community development and economic recovery.

Nigeria Police Force Announces Physical/Credentials Screening for Constable Recruitment

Abuja, Nigeria – The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has announced the commencement of the physical/credentials screening exercise for applicants into the rank of Police Constables in the General Duty and Specialist Cadres.

The exercise will take place nationwide from January 8th to 29th, 2024, and will allow shortlisted applicants to present themselves physically for verification of their eligibility to join the force.

What You Need to Know:

  • Shortlisted applicants should report to their designated venues as stated in their invitation slips.
  • Applicants must bring the following documents:
    • Evidence of physical/mental fitness from a government-recognized medical hospital
    • Evidence of good character from each village/district head
    • Original and duplicate copies of Certificate of Origin duly signed by the Local Government Chairman or Secretary
    • Original and duplicate copies of National Identity Card/Slip
    • Original and duplicate copies of ‘O’ Level result(s)
    • Birth certificate/declaration of age
    • Print-out of application form
    • Duly completed guarantor’s form

Important Reminders:

  • Falsification or forgery of documents is a criminal act and will result in arrest and prosecution.
  • The application and selection process is free and conducted through official channels.
  • Fraudulent activities should be reported to the authorities for necessary action.
  • The Inspector-General of Police assures that the Police Recruitment Board is committed to a transparent and merit-based process.

Quote from the Force Public Relations Officer:

“The IGP assures that the Police Recruitment Board comprises of dedicated and disciplined individuals who will ensure a transparent and merit-based recruitment process devoid of corrupt practices.” – ACP OLUMUYIWA ADEJOBI, mnipr, mipra, Force Public Relations Officer

Stay Informed:

For more information about the recruitment process and designated screening venues, applicants are advised to visit the official website of the Nigeria Police Force.

WOCCI and PLASCHEMA Partner to Bridge Healthcare Gap in Plateau State

Jos, Nigeria – Women and Children in Support of Community Development Initiatives (WOCCI) and the Plateau State Contributory Healthcare Management Agency (PLASCHEMA) have joined forces to address the healthcare coverage gap in the state, particularly for the informal sector.
WOCCI and PLASCHEMA collaborate to improve healthcare access for informal sector workers like farmers, artisans, and vendors.
The partnership aims to enhance PLASCHEMA’s capacity to serve the informal sector and expand health insurance coverage.
WOCCI will embark on comprehensive interventions in Bassa and Barkin Ladi LGAs, interventions to include community engagement, legislative reforms, and financial support for low-income families.
PLASCHEMA pledges to provide logistical and human resources to support the initiative.
WOCCI calls on the Plateau State Government, local communities, and key stakeholders to take decisive action in collaboration with PLASCHEMA to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and ensure affordable healthcare for all citizens, especially those in the informal sector.
during her presentation, Mrs. Edwina Jyi Mang, Executive Director of WOCCI said “The UHC is a critical component in achieving Sustainable Development Goal. As the world commemorated Universal Health Coverage Day, a sobering reality still reverberates in Plateau State. We urge the government, communities, and stakeholders to take decisive actions to expedite the state’s attainment of UHC.”
Mrs. Theresa Gofwen, Director of Marketing and Investment at PLASCHEMA in her response said “We want to make sure that everyone is covered, especially those who work in the informal sector. We are ready and willing to collaborate with WOCCI to expand coverage and provide the resources needed.”
This partnership marks a significant step towards bridging the healthcare gap in Plateau State and ensuring equitable access to health services for all citizens.
The event took place on Friday, 6th February 2024, at the PPFN Conference Hall in Jos, Nigeria.
WOCCI is a National Non-Governmental Organization established in 1996, focusing on community development initiatives in education, health, peace, and economic empowerment.
PLASCHEMA is a government agency established in 2019 to provide affordable healthcare services to Plateau State residents.
The event focused on WOCCI’s collaboration with PLASCHEMA to enhance service uptake for the informal sector in the Bassa and Barkin Ladi LGAs.

Gov Mutfwang signs 2024 appropriation bill into law

Plateau State Governor, His Excellency Barr Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has officially signed the 2024 appropriation bill into law, marking a significant step towards the comprehensive development of the state across all sectors.

The Governor signed the budget tagged “Budget of New Beginnings” on Tuesday at the New Government House, Little Rayfield, Jos.

The budget, totaling ₦314,865,158,553, comprises ₦162,325,733,561 for recurrent expenditure and ₦152,529,514,992 for capital expenditure.

Governor Mutfwang emphasized his administration’s dedication to inclusive leadership, geared towards fostering development throughout the state.

“As Governor of Plateau State, this appropriation bill encapsulates our vision to transform Plateau into a citadel of glory. Termed the Budget of New Beginnings, we believe Plateau deserves better than what was previously in place. We encountered a state of neglect in critical sectors, and we are determined to lay a new foundation for a sustainable, excellent, and value-adding future.”

The Governor expressed optimism that the budget’s implementation would improve the living conditions of the people and, urged citizens to support the government for continued progress.

“We are committed to pursuing development to elevate Plateau among the states in Nigeria. Next year, as we commence the budget implementation, Plateau will rise to greatness.”

Providing insights into the budget, Hon. Chrysanthus Dawam, Commissioner of Budget and Economic Planning, stated that an estimated ₦295,495,568,464 was initially proposed to the Plateau State House of Assembly.

He noted that the House, under the authority of section 120 of the Constitution, passed the 2024 Appropriation Bill, resulting in a total budget size of ₦314,865,158,553, with ₦162,325,733,561 allocated for recurrent expenditure and ₦152,529,514,992 for capital expenditure—an increase of ₦19,420,089 (6.73%) from the initial proposal.

Hon. Dawam highlighted that the 2024 budget surpasses the approved 2023 budget by ₦164,903,813,962. The budget he said, will be funded through various sources, including IGR (₦38,360,874,931), SRA (₦151,424,566,079), and Capital Receipts (₦60,259,112,543).