Sir Paul Chukwuma

Renowned Business Tycoon Sir Chukwuma Dismisses Detention Rumors

Sir Paul Chukwuma

Renowned business tycoon and philanthropist, Sir Paul Chukwuma, has dismissed rumors circulating on social media and news outlets alleging his detention by the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission, (ICPC).

His media team clarified that Sir Chukwuma is actively working in his office and is not in any form of detention.

In a statement to Plateau news, on Thursday, his Media Assistant, Obi Chukwuemeka, emphasized Sir Chukwuma’s commitment to work and denied the detention claims.

Chukwuemeka highlighted the company’s dedication to fulfilling contractual obligations and maintaining transparency.

“Fides et Ratio has consistently adhered to the principles of accountability and transparency,” Chukwuemeka affirmed, addressing the allegations.

The ICPC also confirmed that their requests for documentation from companies are standard procedures to ensure regulatory compliance.

A spokesperson for the ICPC explained, “We request necessary documents to ensure companies meet regulatory provisions.”

Fides et Ratio expressed its commitment to cooperating with the ICPC to showcase compliance with regulations.

Chukwuemeka reiterated, “Our company was built on principles of transparency and respect for the law.”

The public is urged to disregard misleading reports about Sir Paul Chukwuma’s alleged detention, as they only serve to tarnish his reputation as an accomplished businessman and philanthropist.

Gom Mirian – Report